Why Detox/Juicing Is Good for You

“A detox is an internal cleanse that helps you to eliminate toxins and waste from your body. The older we get, the slower our system becomes. This is not a natural side effect of the aging process, rather, it is a result of an accumulation
of toxins and waste products. By removing the waste from your body, you give it the opportunity to return to its natural state of health and well-being!”- The Nutrition Mom

I have been trying to save a little so I can afford a one-day cleanse from Juju Cleanse. They dont deliver to my area so logistics is another challenge. But I promise myself I will try them out for at least a day before the year ends. Maybe instead of buying 1/4″ shelf support things for my beading hobby, I’d save it for this!

Double Green Smoothie

Serves 2

Try this surprise smoothie for an on-the-go breakfast that’s packed with the nutrients of hearty greens but tastes like a perfect blend of fruit.

Double Green SMoothie

1 1/2 cup unsweetened non-dairy beverage, such as almond, rice or soy
2 dried apricots or 4 pitted dates
1 banana
1 cup chopped kale leaves
1 cup baby spinach leaves
1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries

Combine non-dairy beverage, apricots, banana, kale, spinach and berries in a blender and blend until smooth.

Green Smoothies can Reverse Grey Hair

If this is true, then I should juice more!

They are great for weight loss, colon health and as an easy way to get more minerals and fresh foods into the diet. But an added bonus is that they’ve been known to reverse gray hair, naturally!

The Green Smoothie was actually “invented” in the 1970′s by Ann Wigmore, who went on to write many books on natural health and healing, including The Hippocrates Diet. She called the Green Smoothie her “energy soup.” Wigmore claimed that grey hair is linked to mineral deficiencies, and when the body is able to boost its mineral reserves, the natural color returns.

Here are some general tips to making your own Green Smoothies:

Blend 60% fruit to 40% greens in a blender.
Keep in mind that cucumber, tomato and bell peppers are fruits.
You can start to mix more fruits and greens as you become confident in your flavor combinations.
Add water and/or high-water content fruits first.
Then add greens, blend again.
Blend different fruits and greens every day.
Try different combinations and find what tastes best to you

Are you ready to try a Green Smoothie? Here’s a recipe to get you started:


2 bunches bok choy
1 handful arugula
2 oranges
1 mandarin
A few shavings fresh ginger (about a quarter inch)
Half tsp. blue green algae powder
Half tsp. chlorella powder
1 capsule probiotic powder
Half lime, squeezed
1 cup water


Carefully wash all greens and peel the oranges and mandarin.

In a blender, add the water, fruits, powders and fresh ginger and blend until smooth.

Add the greens and blend again.

Finally, open the probiotic capsule and add the powder to the smoothie, blending one last time until smooth.

Smoothie will keep for up to two days in the fridge, but is best if consumed immediately.

Anti-Sweet Cravings Juice

Source: shape.com via Aggie on Pinterest

“Celery juice helps balance out the sweetness of this juice while providing electrolytes and alkalizing minerals, as well as helping to reduce sugar cravings,” Wignall says. Also; cinnamon contains compounds that help regulate blood sugar. Stable blood sugar = less sugar cravings. Ingredients: 2 apples 8 stalks celery Dash of cinnamon

Orange Lemon Smoothie

Source: prevention.com via Corina on Pinterest

1 cup skim or soy milk
6oz (80-calorie) lemon yogurt
1 medium orange peeled, cleaned, and sliced into sections
1 Tbsp flaxseed oil (MUFA)

Handful of ice

Combine milk, yogurt, orange, and ice in a blender. Blend for 1 minute, transfer to a glass, and stir in flaxseed oil.

Nutritional Info Per Serving

370 calories

Juicing Recipes

Have you ever tried juicing?
I am a firm believer and advocate of it and if I can do it again, I certainly would. Time and money aren’t on my side though but I am planning to give myself a detox soon. I did a three-day detox before and it helped me get rid of cravings for sweets, caffeine and white rice.

I dropped 12lbs in a month just by dieting. And I want to do it again – many people noticed my skin glowed and I just really look healthier!

Source: projectgadabout.squarespace.com via Aggie on Pinterest