Serving Sizes

Source: via Aggie on Pinterest

Always wondered what would be the correct serving size when logging in calorie counts for your diet? The table above might help. I cant help but give a little cry when I found out pasta should only be a scoop of ice cream – THAT SMALL?!

Simple Fitness Tips

Source: via Aggie on Pinterest

It may seem impossible for me to have a body like this but here are some simple tips for you to try. I personally am following these. Cherokee scrubs may finally look good on me when I start reconsidering apply for a real job!

1. Drink one glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full.
2. Drink ice cold water. Your body will burn calories just getting the water to a normal temperature to digest. Also it is great for your complexion.
3. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily. It will help boost your metabolism, plus its anti-oxidants make your skin look great.
4. Take vitamins daily. Do not take vitamins on an empty stomache, otherwise they have nothing to catalyze with.
5. Eat ice or gum when hungry.


Source: via Aggie on Pinterest

Isn’t this true?
I find that if I even entertain one glass of soda or slice of cake I am bound to crave for more and indulge. Sometimes, it just really is better not to get a taste of everything especially if your self-discipline is not that strong (like me).

Not on a Diet

Source: via Aggie on Pinterest

Yes I am trying to eat healthy.
No I am not on a diet.
Is this a good idea to make into custom gift cards?

How I wish people can see it differently. Dieting is extremely different from eating healthy. I am not on a diet – I still eat rice. But I have severely cut down on sweets, soda and caffeine. No, I can’t seem to let them go just yet. But my water intake has tripled. I am aware of what is enough and what are my limits. Sooner or later I need to ramp it up I know, but I am trying to make sure I do this!