Health and Wellness for 2011

A few days before 2010 officially comes to a close, my husband figured in an accident and fractured his clavicle. It has set our health and wellness plans by about four weeks, since it takes a month before it really heals (fuse together). I just do not know if he can really lift weights again.

We have planned to do some jogging in an oval track near our place every morning starting next week, but since he has fractured his right clavicle, he cannot drive. (All the more reason for me to finally learn how to drive) He also cannot do any strenuous activities. He wears a brace 24 hours a day and needs physical therapy maryland to be able to regain full mobility of his shoulder again. It has only been three days since the accident happened so he is still bruised and wincing from pain but I hope he will get better in time for our trip in less than two weeks.

Thankfully, it is only a fracture and nothing else. In time, it will heal. He would not need to undergo work rehabilitation or surgery. For that alone I am so thankful already. Next time, we just need to be more careful.