Tips in Maintaining Muscle Build

Redefining and maintaining muscle build becomes more difficult as you age. This is simply because the body loses its natural ability to restructure and repair itself as it matures and eventually senesces. It becomes even more apparent for us women especially after delivering babies, being confined to housework, and facing more stressful activities and conditions. However, there are several ways to maintain our muscle tone even when we’re already way past our prime. Here are some of them.

Regular cardiovascular exercise

Doing housework may be physically and mentally exhausting, but it does not make your circulation and metabolism any faster. Chores simply drain your energy but they don’t count as exercise. In order to keep your muscles fit, work them out every day with cardiovascular exercises like jogging or cycling. Jog with your kids or bike around the neighborhood.

Stick to protein-rich food

If you don’t get enough regular workouts, then compensate by changing your diet. Minimize your carbohydrate and switch to meat, fish, and protein shakes. This gives the body plenty of raw materials to build your muscles. And because you reduce the fats that eventually cover up the muscles, you make it easier for your body to show off your form.


Relax and de-stress. Mentally and emotionally taxing conditions as well as activities cause toxins in your body to increase, thereby affecting muscle tone, metabolism, and even overall general health. Go to a spa, a vacation, or a night out with the girls to relax and give your body time to recuperate.