Foods I Love to Eat During Christmas

If I was a computer, these would be stored in my system memory and no amount of cleaning my temporary data will erase it!
1. My Wawa’s fried chicken.
2. My Lola’s lengua
3. My Tita’s kaldereta
4. My Auntie’s oatmeal bars

Fruit salad, ham, buco pandan, cake, and many many more. WOW. I got hungry just typing all of that.

Gearing Up for the Holidays

My mouth is watering just thinking about all the delicious Christmas food I will eat in about 15 days!I am preparing by going on a crash diet starting today – no rice, soda and sweets for me. Just so I wont look bloated in our annual Christmas pictures. I might need to make sure I wear something slimming too, it will help ;) A relative is actually moving his industrial computer off their house into the storage area because we are expecting a lot of guests to arrive come Christmas day. I am beyond excited!!