Using Ink Refills for Printing Recipes

A friend whose family loves to cook recently had a big project within their family. Since they have so many recipes handed over from generation to generation, usually through word of mouth and walk-throughs (cooking together), they realized they need to compile them so they can maintain the authenticity of the recipes. Passing it over through word of mouth usually have the possibility of some instructions or ingredients altered, subtracted or added.


So they have been hard at work at them for months and now they have the compilation. They have decided to have the recipes with the corresponding pictures in PDF files and they will print them and distribute a copy to each family within their great maternal grandmother’s side. It posed a problem since they will be printing a lot of books and they will run out of ink and would need a lot of printer ink cartridges since they are printing everything in full and high color. Someone suggested that they use the empty printer cartridges and have them refilled. Or they can buy an ink refill set at and do it themselves with the empty printer cartridge. They can order them online, the site has ink for every brand and model of printer in the market at lower prices!

My Love Affair with Coffee

My love affair with coffee began when I was studying in college. While our classmates would go to bars to drink beers or watch movies in cinemas after classes to unwind, me and my group of friends would go to a coffee shop. At first, going there was for purely leisurely purposes. Me and my friends love to talk, and the coffee shop was the perfect place for us to hear each other over a cup of coffee and pastries. After that, we went there to study to review for grueling exams in biochemistry and microbiology. Pretty soon I needed coffee to keep me awake at night in my room so I can study.

These days I need a cup of coffee, preferably iced (no matter how cold it is), to make sure I function and get me in the mood to work. I am slowly starting to appreciate the different tastes of the different kinds of coffee, thanks to living in the coffee capital of my country. (Seriously we live 500 meters away from a coffee farm!) I know that kona coffee  is actually coffee cultivated and grown from the lands of Kona, Hawaii. Lately, there has been a growing demand for organic coffee because people are more aware of the harmful effects of pesticides.

Of course, my favorite gourmet coffee is amaretto coffee. Once it’s brewed a dash of hazelnut or caramel is a surefire way to get me in good spirits!

Cooking Up a Storm in Form of Gold

It seems that gold is the best way to go if you want to invest in something besides keeping your hard-earned money locked up in the bank. Gold is more stable than dollars these days.  Buying gold has been recognized for centuries as one of the best ways to preserve one’s wealth and purchasing power. Gold bullion is a unique investment. From the time of ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans to more modern times, man has had an affinity for gold bullion. It is always advisable to buy gold bullion from a trusted and reputable source though. Buy them from United States Gold Bureau.

Getting Back on Track

It’s the first day of June and I only have six more months to make sure I lose weight or I lose my bet with the husband. I am getting back on track with a regular exercise routing and a strict diet. I warmed up by trying to get back to my physical activity last weekend and the only thing I am really battling with is portion control of food. Would Lipovox help me in losing weight? Let’s see first if I can do this the hard way.

Keep Healthy.

It’s the first day of June and rainy season looks like it has arrived. I am sure it is also the start of flu season so it is imperative that all of us in the family take our vitamins. We also need to schedule the kids for their flu shots before school officially starts. I also need to start drinking vitamins too. Lately, I notice I get tired easily and my mom said I look pale. Even if I am big, it doesn’t mean I am as strong as I look.

Smitten Kitchen

I give you another great food site – Smitten Kitchen! Her photos alone are enough to make you drool! I honestly think I’d need pronexin for all the chocolate cravings I get whenever I’d look at her sweet recipes! I dare you to go see for yourself her recipes and since I am on a diet, these scrambled eggs might be the only thing I am allowed to cook!

image Photo from here.