Benefits of Buying from Military Auctions

Auctions are excellent ways to purchase items. Most of the time, this is where you chance upon hard to find items, antiques, and vintage stuff. Most importantly, auctions could be a great opportunity to get an item at a really low price. When it comes to auctions, some people specifically wait for military auctions to buy military-related items. A military auction often features surplus military items like vehicles, camping equipment, military tools, clothing, helmets, field gears, and many more. If you are looking for guns then live military surplus auctions offer these along with rifles and other ammunitions. Below are some of the benefits of buying from military auctions.

• Good condition. A lot of items sold at these auctions have only been slightly used. Also, since are government issued items, they are well taken care of. Vehicles, in particular, are usually in excellent condition because military vehicles are regularly maintained.

• Low price. The usual reason why these items are being auctioned off is to replace them with newer stuff. Hence, these items are simply being discarded by the military which explains why they are so affordable.

• High quality. Since these are bought by the government, you can be assured that they are of good quality because they have been chosen from among many different suppliers.

Health Benefits of Drinking Fine Wines

A lot has been said about the health benefits of fine wines. Actually, it does not have to be a bottle of premier wine or even a bottle of rare wine. Even your ordinary red wine which costs less than $10 could provide you with numerous health benefits. Below are just some of them.

• Reduce bad cholesterol. A lot has been said about bad cholesterol. They are called bad because they can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. The Resveratrol that is found in wines can help lower this risk by reducing bad cholesterol.
• Reduce weight. Wine can increase your body’s metabolism so moderate drinking can actually give you smaller waists and lower body mass.
• Prevents cancer. Regularly drinking red wine is found to help in decreasing the risk of cancer. Although it does not cure cancer, the phytochemicals and polyphenols found in red wine can fight chemicals and properties of cancer cells.

There are a lot of health benefits that red wine supposedly offers. However, keep in mind that in everything, moderation is the key. Do not think that it is okay to go on a wine-drinking spree. Limit your consumption to a glass of red wine per day to be able to maximize its health benefits.

Money Food

It seems that we will be saving a lot of money food this year. Since I need to be put on a strict diet to prevent more complications of my already complicated health, eating out would need to take a backseat. Buy Gold Krugerrands coins might even become a possibility because of this! Finally, we might be able to save. We don’t know our financial forecast for the year yet, so we must learn to prioritize things. Investing some of our savings is on top of them. We need a reliable investment just in case we decide to venture into business or buy property,

Natural Hot Tub for Your Muscle Pains

A cousin of mine is a taekwondo athlete. I remember the times when she was just starting out, she often complained of sore muscles and will even go for a massage in a nearby spa. Nowadays, she does not complain anymore after training but she does get serious muscle pains after tournaments. They are seriously considering installing a natural hot tub in their home so that she can relax her sore muscles every time she needs to.

They plan to visit a natural hot tub company soon to inquire about the prices and the cost of maintaining one. Hot tub chemicals do not exactly cost little so they want to make sure that they can sustain the hot tub if they decide to install it. However, soaking in warm water does wonders for muscle pains so the cost might be worth it for them especially since her parents also suffer from muscle pains caused by old age. Also, her sisters are also athletes although they do not compete like her so the hot tub will be put to good use by all the members of the family.

Hobby: Making Kameleon Charm Accessories

Me and my friends are into arts and crafts. We have been through hobbies together and have spent considerable amount of money pursuing them. One of the hobbies that have stayed with us through the years is scrapbooking. Photography or taking tons of pictures is also one of our hobbies. These two go hand in hand together actually.

However, we are into making charm bracelets and accessories lately. We got into the hobby by accident, as we were just thinking of a great gifts to give away in one of the parties we were hosting last Christmas season. We found that we can have a jewelry-and-beads-themed party where everyone can make their own Chamilia charm bracelet or Bauble Lulu bead bracelet. Charm bracelets are renowned for their ease of use, versatility, cost effectiveness and various other features across the globe by men and women of all ages, sexes, groups or ethnic and other orientations.

The Kameleon accessories were the biggest hit though, maybe because they had the potential to create so many looks in one bracelet because you can interchange them. No one bracelet is alike! It isn’t surprising as the motto of Kameleon Jewelry, is“Change is Natural,”. Their line encourages the expression of individuality.

Diet for a Fatty Liver

I guess you won’t bee seeing any posts from me about (fattening) food from now on as I have to be in control of my diet. My health is failing and only a strict diet regimen will get me back into the ball game. So while I am waiting for our kitchen faucet to be fixed, I did some research on the diet regimen for those with a fatty liver.

What is fatty liver?
Fatty liver is not a disease, but a pathological finding. A more appropriate term is fatty filtration of the liver.

What causes fatty liver?
Fatty liver can be caused by certain chemical compounds, nutritional or endocrine disorders, and by genetic factors. Drugs and chemical compounds that can cause fatty liver include alcohol, tetracycline, methotrexate, valproic acid, cortisone and cortisone-like medications, carbon tetrachloride, and other solvents. Of these, alcohol is by far the most common cause. Liver inflammation may accompany exposure to these toxins and is responsible for the associated symptoms of fever, fatigue and jaundice.

Nutritional causes of fat in the liver include starvation, malnutrition, or obesity. Fat in the liver can also occur with rapid or extreme weight reduction such as might occur following an intestinal or gastric bypass operation for obesity. In some patients with fatty liver the fat is accompanied by inflammation (steatohepatitis), and occasionally the fat and inflammation may lead to scarring of the liver (fibrosis).

The endocrine causes of fatty liver include diabetes mellitus, elevated cholesterol or triglycerides, and fatty liver of pregnancy. Fatty liver during pregnancy occurs near the end of pregnancy and may result in premature delivery or termination of the pregnancy.

How is fatty liver treated?
Treatment of fatty liver depends on the cause.

Fatty liver due to obesity is best managed with a program of weight reduction, consisting of a nutritious, low fat diet, and exercise. In patients with diabetes, fatty liver is managed with diet and better control of blood sugar. In individuals with elevated cholesterol or triglycerides, diet therapy is prescribed first. Patients not responding to diet, and in those with severe elevations of cholesterol and triglycerides, specific medications to reduce the these levels may be prescribed (e.g., Questran, Colestid, Lopid, Lipitor, Pravachol, Lescol, Zocor, Mevacor). Niacin is generally avoided because of its tendency to cause liver test elevations by itself. Some patients may be treated with dietary supplements. (e.g., lecithin, L-carnitine). L-carnitine may enhance fat metabolism by the liver, whereas lecithin may prevent some of the tissue damage caused when oxygen reacts with fat during routine chemical reactions in the liver (lipid peroxidation).

Since many medications can cause liver test abnormalities, close follow-up with a physician is recommended.

Watch your diet….
In particular, avoid concentrated sweets, saturated fats, and foods high in cholesterol (heart healthy diet). Whenever possible use monosaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil), instead of polyunsaturated fats.

General Fatty Liver Diet Guidelines

* Eat plenty of lean protein: You’ll want to fill your plate with lean meats, beans, soy and seafood.
* Enjoy vegetables: You can eat as many servings of vegetables as you like each day, as long as they are not drenched in butter, oils or dressings. Opt for fresh, local vegetables whenever possible. Aim to eat a salad a day, topped with a moderate amount of a salad dressing made with heart-healthy fats.
* Add in legumes wherever you can: Throw in an extra can of kidney beans into that batch of chili; mix in some beans with your rice. Toss some black beans into that burrito.
* Fill up on whole grains: Enjoy whole grains such as whole grain bread, brown rice and whole wheat pasta. Explore whole grains such as quinoa and bulgur wheat.
* Use fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth: Instead of sugary sauces, treats and processed foods like hostess cakes or donuts, eat fruit as a dessert. Because fruit causes a spike in blood sugar, you -ll want to wean yourself off sugary foods so that fruit becomes your healthy choice for that sweet taste at the end of meal.
* Use oils sparingly and with discretion: Choose only heart-healthy oils such as olive oil, and cook with fats and oils sparingly. Avoid saturated fat completely.
* Avoid alcohol, sugar and high calorie foods: Limit your intake of sweets, junk food, sodas and alcoholic beverages such that they are occasional treats, not everyday indulgences.

Typical Meal in a Day

Below you can see why I am always complaining how hard it is to lose weight. I might be window shopping at the mall looking at Casablanca fans and walking (it burns down calories), but you will often see me having something (typically sweet) in my hands.

Breakfast: Leftover baked potato halves (with cream cheese) from Yellow Cab:

Snack: Drive-thru Jolly hotdog meal from Jollibee:

Snack: Scramble

Disclaimer: I did not eat this all in one day. :)

Mango Torte Cheesecake

I am not sure if I got the name of the cake right but it’s one of the few new things I tried out this month. I ate it while reading a brochure about celebrity cruise deals which made me want to go on a cruise someday (maybe when global warming is no longer an issue). It’s a cheesacke with a mango aftertaste – sweet with a citrus bite. I am not crazy over it, but I don’t hate it.