Starbucks VIA is out!


Finally, a great way to have Starbucks coffee everyday without having to spend so much and even go out. I work at home and try hard to maintain a work environment for myself so I can be focused. I even invested on office furniture for my workstation. Now, this coffee will fit perfectly in my Starbucks mug. I actually was able to taste the Italian decaf blend (blue colored) and it tasted good.


Pack of three – Php130
Pack of twelve – Php470 (~ish – I forgot) You get two for free!



Audio books on cd: a surprisingly entertaining alternative

When I first tried audio books, I didn’t really think it had a chance of ever putting up a fight against the real printed material. I am a book lover so I like the whole experience of reading, flipping through the pages, smelling the scent of paper from both old and new books, and even occasionally folding a few pages here and there. I felt like audio books were devoid of such experiences.


However, now that I have children and am always buried in work and house duties, I think I’m starting to see the appeal of Audio books on cd. They are much more convenient to carry around especially if you always bring your laptop with you to work. They are easier to finish because you don’t have to change momentum when you switch from work to reading (pressing a few buttons in your computer is all it takes). And they are relatively cheaper especially if you get them online from Book rentals such as

I know listening to audio books may not present the same experience as reading the printed material, but it’s a good enough alternative especially if you have a very busy schedule. Regardless if you’re the type who likes to Rent books or buy books, it’s a surprisingly entertaining experience.

Some Gold Coins You May Want to Invest In.

Lately, my friends and I have been shopping non-stop. We think it because of the upcoming holiday season. All we can think of day in and day out is to spend and spend some more. It was a good thing one of us reminded that we need to make sure we meet our savings goal for the year. She further told us that her investment of gold coins from the United States Gold Bureau proved to be a worthwhile investment. Now, we are actually choosing which coins to buy so we can invest on gold coins too. We can shop alright, but we also need to save for the rainy days!

Things You Need to Know About Hiring An Austin Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury cases are becoming more common nowadays because more and more people are becoming aware of their rights. If you find yourself injured one of these days, below are some information that would be helpful to you before you hire an Austin injury lawyer.

  • You need to consult a lawyer fast. The first thing that you should do if you get injured is to consult an Austin personal injury lawyer. He or she could assess your case and tell you whether you are eligible to claim for damages. He or she will also ensure that your rights are protected.
  • There is a time limit. Because of the statute of limitations, some cases can only be filed within a specific period of time. A consultation with a Austin car accident lawyer could help you determine the limit that is applicable to your case.
  • There are free assessments. Some firms like The Sharp Firm offer free initial consultation and assessment. This initial consultation will let you know the duration of time applicable to your case under the statute of limitations and whether you can indeed file for damages. Sometimes, you may also be informed of the possible amount that you can claim or may be awarded to you if you win the case.

Pinching Pennies

Now that I am counting calories, I am more determined to get a broiler. Roasted chicken will be my best friend these days, minus the skin. The broiler is actually cheap, if you think about it, but something more important always comes up that I end up not buying it.

We are going to be serious in saving up again. I need a better idea for saving money. It needs to multiply rapidly! We were advised to try and buy gold coins as an investment, it is as good as cash and has never depreciated. I would need to discuss this with the husband. It might be an idea worth pursuing. Gold traditionally moves adversely to the dollar: when the dollar declines, gold goes up and vice versa. Gold is still holding up nicely to other commodities such as oil and also other metals such as palladium.

What You Need for Successful Conference Calls

Most businesses nowadays have gone global. This means that they conduct their business in different countries. Because of this, the need for high quality Audio conferencing has likewise increased. If you are planning to go global with your business, the things below are what you need for successful Conference calls.

  • Excellent voice quality. This is perhaps the most important thing in an Audio conference. A conference call that has choppy and unclear voice quality is an immediate turn-off for clients that you are thinking of doing business with. Also, clear calls would ensure that there is no miscommunication between the parties involved.
  • Multiple parties. Most of the time, more than two people need to discuss important business matters. The ability to have multiple parties on a conference call is a huge advantage especially if you have business in more than two locations.
  • Wide range of features. Although not every call would require all the possible features offered in most audio conferencing services, it would be great to have access to them whenever you need them.
  • Customizability. The ability to customize each and every call is also an advantage. Not all calls that you will make will be the same so being able to customize each call based on your needs would be very useful.

Health and Safety Practice at Home: Test for Mold Regularly

The weather has been extremely crazy lately and because of it so many people get sick, particularly with respiratory problems. Bear in mind though that sometimes having regular respiratory problems and even migraine are flags for you to test for mold in your home, especially if medicines don’t help cure the illness at all, and it comes back from time to time. Many people are now aware of the health risks of molds at home. Allergies are exacerbated if there is mold present at home. Common allergic reactions are rashes, runny noses, nasal congestion, cough, or eye irritation. Those people who suffer from asthma may find that their conditions are made a lot worse by having mold in the house.


You can always use a mold test kit to perform a mold test right in the comforts of your home. ImmunoLytics is the leading mycology lab used by doctors, pharmacists and environmental specialists to analyze mold samples and help evaluate home, school and work environments. Their lab uses state-of-the-art mold analysis that focuses on mold identification and mold counts.

Recent studies show that most homes have some sort of mold infections due to unknown indoor moisture problems. This leads to the rapid growth of molds in damp areas like the bathroom, a water-damaged basement, leaking pipes and roofs. Indoor mold growth poses great health threats and should be removed quickly to prevent it from spreading. Have your house tested for mold growth now.

Taking Care of One’s Self.

Lately, I have been trying to get back on track with healthy living and my journey to weight loss. I started, seriously this time (again), on September 1st and to date I have lost three pounds already. Not much since I havent been on a strict diet, just inserting exercise everyday. I will go on a strict diet starting next week, just taking it slow. I like to fix myself up more and would love to take up classes at the Regency Beauty Institute. Founded more than 50 years ago in Minneapolis, Regency is the fastest growing beauty school in the country. Regency has expanded from two Minnesota schools in 2002 to 80 (and counting) campuses across 19 states, with continued growth every year. Regency Beauty Institute is the fastest growing beauty school in the United States.

It is true – a healthier me is a more beautiful me!