Repairs are the most commonly used method when we experience broken materials like television sets, refrigerators, computers or even other machineries. We only consider replacement if we can’t do anything to fix our equipment. Well, practicality is really practiced by most of us today but for some who are wealthy enough or money isn’t an issue, replacement might be the first option. Most of the time, machineries were broken down due to some parts’ break down. Some of its parts might have reached its life span or maybe due to misuse or human abuse, machineries were destroyed. Repairs and change of some parts goes hand in hand. Equipment cannot be used again unless the broken part was replaced and fixed. Due to the fast innovation of electronic gadgets and machineries, we often find it hard to find the necessary parts for our broken equipment. But thanks to that offers various electronic parts that will certainly need by us in times of trouble. For example, remote controls, most of us often mishandle remote controls of television due to hand slippery or accidentally let it fall. As we are humans of computer age by now, we can’t afford to stand from our relaxing position just to change our TV channel. Electronic parts like Laptop batteries, TV DLP Lamps and even Cell Phone Cases that are being offered by are almost complete. They’ve got almost everything for various brands of electronic equipment. In fact, they can provide parts for the leading brands of electronic companies such as Panasonic, Whirlpool, Sony, Samsung and many more. In this simple statement, we are assured to acquire the electronic part that we are looking for from them, may it be TV parts, computer parts or refrigerator parts. provides solution for our “need-repair equipments”, from the electronic gadgets in our living room to our kitchen to our laundry areas. Wait no more, purchase your long lost electronic parts.
Author Archives: admin
Army Navy
We went to Army Navy (again) because the big boys (the husband and my son) wanted to eat Bully Boy burgers again. My mom and I shared an order of chicken quesadilla and my dad ordered a burrito. My daughter feasted on chips and fries. It was a very laidback atmosphere since you eat outside on wooden tables, like a backyard. No serving by waitresses in french maid outfits. Your number is called when your order is ready!
Mama Sita’s Homestyle Recipes
This book has been a lifesaver for me!
My husband has been complaining that we have not had any “new” food to try for a couple of weeks now. It is true. I have had our help cook the same meals every week. Knowing how little I know about cooking, I call it Divine Intervention when I saw this book at an office supply store (at all places!). We were buying my corkboard and a few office supplies when I glanced upon the magazine rack while falling in line at the cashier to pay. There were a variety of magazines, from health magazines featuring the latest testosterone booster products to gossip magazines and parenting magazines. This was in the top shelf and I knew I had to get it!
What I look about this book is the ingredients are familiar and can be bought at a local market. The recipes are tested Pinoy favorites too!
Keeping Up with Office Supplies
Part of my responsibilities at work is to maintain and replenish our office supplies inventory. At first, it may seem an easy job because it is just a matter of listing what is needed and lacking in our supplies. But that seems quite a handful thing to do at times as I do miss a thing or two in my list like the presentation folders that I often mistakenly listed as a filing folder. So I do a weekly check-up and update my list. I am also trying to develop a system that will let employees automatically alert us once their supplies is about to run out.
Keeping a well maintained office supply is essential to keep a smooth workflow in the company and avoid delays in any of the deliverables. Apart from keeping the supplies in full stocks always, looking for a supplier is also a thing to do. Seeking and purchasing supplies must keep and meet the budget. I am always told to look for the cheapest yet quality products.
I am now looking around for another supplier as the one that we have now cannot cater to all our needs anymore hence the usual lacking of some items that often led me to haggle around somewhere else but still usually goes beyond the budget. Glad that I came to know, an online based comprehensive office supply store that can cater to wide array of office needs that are not just limited to office paper and the likes because they also have the ones for janitorial supplies and furniture. You can choose from a wide variety of different brands and categories for easy search. They also got the latest and updated list offering at a very accommodating price. Now all I have to do is present it to the boss and get their approval for our soon to be supplier of office needs.
What About Hair Salon Furniture?
Women nowadays have been too obsessed in making themselves beautiful. Most would pay big amounts just to have the fats removed from their bodies or to have their nose, eyes, cheeks or lips restructured. It goes to show that vanity has indeed taken over the female population.
Since being beautiful is a top priority for most women, a lot of beauty salons and clinics have appeared in every corner of the metro. A variety of beauty products has also been introduced in the market. Some are slimming capsules, whitening soaps/vitamins, and age defying creams. Women still buy it regardless of the cost thus making beauty companies richer every day. For those women who want to maintain or improve their appearance but don’t want to spend much usually go to beauty salons. They can get pampered for a few short hours at a lesser expense. Yet they still regard this as an indulgence.
There are a lot of beauty salons who provide quality services in an affordable price. Women often go to a salon for a hair cut or hair treatments such as hair coloring, permanent curls, and hair rebonding. These salons have invested a lot in their products and equipments to attract client’s attention more. Some even buy their hairdressing salon furniture from abroad. The brands that they use for beauty products are also imported. One of the less noticed furniture in a salon is the Pedicure chair. Most have taken it for granted but a comfortable chair for pedicure services is very important for the customer and the pedicurist. Since most hair salon furniture are expensive, some salon owners tend to buy second hand furniture that are still in good condition. They believe that a quality service is good enough to keep the customers happy, beautiful, and satisfied.
Military Surplus
The military is one of the most expensive unit in the government due to the armaments that are purchased to be ready for war anytime it is called for. Another source of great expense is corruption but that’s beside the point.
Why is military given much budget? Primarily it is for security. Security for the country, especially now that terrorism has become widely prevalent. Although countries try their best to be at peace with each other, each are getting themselves ready just in case one gets out of control and targets another. (Just imagine Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Pearl Harbor, Iran and Iraq, Israel and neighboring countries, etc.)
With the high prices of military equipment and supplies, what can one do to maximize the budget allotted? What can one do to get the best for the money? Where can one go to buy military antiques? You might want to look into a military auction where military surplus rifles for sale are available. Are you at the other end? The selling end? You can sell jewelry online! Why not offer military surplus auctions to your friends or go for your government? Either you’re looking for a military item or you’re selling it, military auctions is another way to deal with it.
By the way, auctions are not limited to military items. There are also jewelry, gold and silver coins and rather large valuable stones. If you have something yourself, you can also consign your item until it is auctioned successfully. Your bullion might just be sitting in your vault and you are under financial constraint…what are you waiting for? You can’t eat that bullion! You want to sell your real estate? That can be done too! Do you have relics that are rare in your hands? Do you own paintings painted by known artists? This is the opportunity to earn from them if you’re willing enough to get them out of your hands.
Solutions to Food Allergies and Food Intolerance
After dealing with allergies for years now, I finally decided to change my lifestyle. I’ve had different types of allergies from food allergies to rhinitis to skin allergies. I’m getting tired of food intolerance and avoiding the food I like most so I think it’s time to change. It’s a 360 degree turn compared to my previous lifestyle where I eat cheeseburger and fries for snacks. Our family would order pizza at 11 at night for our midnight snacks. I couldn’t eat without soda and I make sure we always have cake for dessert. Yes, it was a very unhealthy lifestyle but since my body has been in a bad shape ever since, I now decide to love myself and live healthy.
Now, I see a Doctor who is into Alternative Medicine. I shared all my sickness as well as my food allergies and supplements that I’m currently taking. I brought my cholesterol and uric acid to her attention. We focused on my migraine which I usually experienced before my period. We even discussed arthritis pain relief probably due to my high uric acid.
She mentioned to me and boy, was I glad. This site is offering natural supplements, something that I want to take to boost energy. They have food intolerance products and systematic enzymes which I’m very interested in. They even have supplements to get a healthy hair! I love this site because it is clean and simple. It is easy to use and navigate. No complicated links. They also offer free e-books about heart health tips that you can download. Now, this section called my attention, “Is Your Food Allergy Actually Food Intolerance? “. Well, in my case, it probably is a food intolerance. I can’t wait to discover more health tips from and hopefully I get to really have that healthy lifestyle that I’m wishing for months now.
Coffee makers complete my Day!
Coffee makers complete my Day!
….or should I say, freshly brewed coffee perks me up everyday thanks to the coffee maker for the home? There are nights that I would need to work until the wee hours in the morning that I end up very sleepy. I won’t have energy to help the kids prepare for school. I tried drinking instant coffee but my body seemed to get used to it that I no longer get affected with that kind of caffeine. So every day I would long for a freshly brewed coffee from the coffee brewers. Since using the usual coffee brewers takes so much time, there are days that I would rather not make a cup of coffee anymore. I guess I’m too busy for that. So imagine my luck when my friend suggested I check out They are offering coffee makers that are easy to use. The machine would do all the brewing! got all the details that you need in brewing your coffee. They have an interactive product demos available. They have trips & tricks in how to make the best coffee. They even made a blog with a series of posts about experiences of newbies and experts of their coffee brewers. Such a very interesting website!
Did you know that there is also such a thing as a brew chart? said that if you brew your coffee at home, this helpful grind chart helps you check to make sure your coffee is ready for brewing. For your BUNN brewer, you should be using coffee that falls into 3-4 minute categories in the chart. I never thought there is a chart specifically for brewing coffee. Thanks to, I’ve discovered all of these today.
Now, I should talk to the Husband and see if he agrees in getting one coffee maker for the home. I really hope and pray he does!