How Much Sugar Common Junk Foods Contain

Source: via Aggie on Pinterest

This is a great reference! If you are looking into seeing just how much sugar your “treats” contain, just click on the site above. You might just be better off locking whatever you save from buying Starbucks frappucinos in sentry safe (Just like me!). I would still indulge once in a while, but probably not more than twice a month from now on.

Just look at those sugar cubes! IN ONE DRINK!!

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

I recommend this documentary movie to anyone who is exploring another way to finally be healthy. It explains how juicing greens and veggies reboots and detoxifies your body and aids in weight loss too! I might just ask for budget to sustain my greens for at least 10 days. Seriously though, I really want to detox my body!