From A To Zinc: Benefits of Zinc Supplements

Some of the reasons why one should take zinc supplements

Zinc is one of the few metals that the body needs. Although required only in trace amounts, it plays several important roles in the body, making it a necessity in the daily diet. Here are some of the reasons why one should take zinc supplements.

· Inadequacy in regular diet. Fortunately, zinc is commonly present in foods such as oysters, livers, meat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, whole grains, nuts and other legumes, as well as dairy products. However, the amounts of zinc that the body acquires from a diet of these food items sometimes do not match nutritional requirement of the body. Zinc supplements augment the amount taken in from food.

· Involvement in enzyme activities. According to recent discoveries, zinc is a vital component of more than a hundred enzymes in the body – substances that catalyze various important biochemical reactions. Without zinc, these enzymes do not work properly, thus affecting necessary functions such as blood clotting, formation of antibodies, growth, healing, and even food absorption.

· Image formation. Scientists have also discovered high concentrations of zinc in the eye. As shown by patients suffering from zinc deficiency, zinc plays a major role in maintaining vision. Various studies show that zinc deficiency alters the retina and affects the image formed at the back of the eye. Low levels of zinc in the eyes are also associated with night blindness as well as cataract formation. Zinc supplements are shown to improve vision as well as decrease the chances of cataract formation.

· Immune function. Zinc deficiency is also related to a decrease in or slowing down of the immune function. Since high concentrations of zinc are associated with platelet aggregation (blood clotting), activation of white blood cells (particularly the T-lymphocytes ), and even suppression of viral symptoms, zinc is considered a major player in the immune system. Intake of zinc supplements dramatically improves resistance to viral infections including that of colds.

· Male infertility. Research has confirmed high concentrations of zinc in the prostate. Among the cases related to deficiency of zinc in the said organ, decrease in sperm count and motility are two of the most popular. These reductions significantly lessen the chance of fertilization for couples. As part of the treatment, some doctors advise their male patients to take zinc supplements in order to increase sperm count and motility.

· Hormone imbalance. Zinc is also associated with growth hormones and thyroid activity. Patients suffering from hyperthyroidism are shown to suffer from zinc deficiency as well, and zinc deficiency in pregnant women is shown to affect fetal growth and development. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding your zinc supply is quickly depleted because of milk production. As a result, most doctors recommend zinc supplements to these mothers.

Nowadays, there is a wide selection of health supplements in the market. offers various supplements aside from zinc supplements. You can also find iron supplements, iodine supplements, calcium supplements, vitamin B2, and many more. For quality health products, get them from