Food 4 Thought Friday

What is the most interesting car you have ever owned and why?
I haven’t owned a car since I was born. Let’s hope we can remedy that in three years.

What book are you currently reading?
Some chick lit books I borrowed from friends.

Did you have any pets growing up?
Yes, they all died on me. I’m talking about dogs (I had several), fishes, hamsters and lovebirds.

Midnight Snack
How do you unwind at night?
I usually surf until my eyes hurt

Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?)
Learn to focus and let go of things that won’t help you achieve what you dream for.

Car Talk

I have been mentioning it many times on my blogs before – Id love for us to have a car. It has escalated from a want to a need for us given that we live in the province where everything is 30 minutes away from everything :) We have an old jeep we use but it really is not safe as it is open. It is getting chilly and colder here so we need to be inside the house once 7PM hits or even jackets and bonnets will not be enough to keep us warm. There is good news though – with the continuous lowering of the price of gasoline, the husband can now use the 4×4 of his Dad during the weekends. We are still hoping for our own but not until he gets one from his company, I don’t think we can afford to get a new one. Anyway, the husband is very optimistic that he will get promoted and transferred to our area by next January so we might be getting one (crossing our fingers!).With their line of work, I’m quite disappointed a car plan is not even given as a benefit right on. A Car allowance program plan should do the trick for their company. It will allow them to get cars for their employees without having to shell out much money.