Tips on Having a Better Sleep

Sleep is a much underrated activity nowadays. Many people do not realize that sleep is vital if you want to be productive, energized, mentally sharp, physically ready, and emotionally fit. Quantity of sleep is not the only thing that matters because the quality of your sleep matters a lot too. Below are some tips that will help you have a better quality of sleep.

  • Regular bedtime. Going to bed at the same time every night will help your body to be prepared when you want to sleep already. This reduces unnecessary tossing and turning that could keep you awake instead of asleep. This applies to your wake-up time as well. A regular wake-up time is better for your body.
  • Naps. These are great ways to make up for lost hours during the night. Sometimes there are some factors that require to stay up on some nights or to wake up early on some mornings. A nap would help you catch up so that your regular bedtime routine will not be disrupted.
  • Comfortable bedding. Although luxury bedding would definitely help, it is not a requirement. Just make sure that you have a comfortable sleeping area.
  • Keep the room dark and noise-free. It can be a bit difficult to sleep if your senses are overloaded.

Down sides of attending too many weddings

Getting invited to a lot of weddings has its good points, but it has its down sides as well.

Running out of clothes to wear

If the couples getting married belong to the same crowd, then most of the guests in one wedding are also the same guests in the other weddings. When this happens, you can’t wear the same thing on all the weddings you’re attending. This is the reason why people, more especially women, start running out of clothes/dresses to wear.

Running out of gift ideas

The more weddings you attend, the faster you run out of gift ideas, especially if you’re the type that doesn’t like giving the same gifts to different people. In fact, there was actually a time when my husband and I were seriously considering feather flags and custom flags as gifts for the newlyweds.

Too much good food with bad effects

Since wedding ceremonies are usually followed by sumptuous (but often sinful) foods, you can’t help but eat a lot of the not-so-healthy stuff. I mean, who wouldn’t? Aside from the fact that the food is free, weddings usually serve treats that you don’t often get to eat a lot of. That’s why a lot of people gorge themselves during this merry occasion.

Chinese Veggies

I definitely need to read about the phentermine reviews online if I can make it a point to eat like the Chinese – they eat in small portions, drink hot tea all day and incorporate veggies into their meals, and mind you they are cooked deliciously! The veggies are always crunchy and yet the taste of milk/butter/oil seeps through and you dont even notice you are eating leaves.

Sweet Treats

These are the desserts during the Chinese wedding reception. It isn’t that sweet actually, it’s pao with sweet curry inside (milk + egg) and it is very creamy. The pao bread is similar to siopao we eat here, only theirs is softer. There are not much sweet treats where we went, not even chocolates, which is actually a natural depression treatment! Dont they know that? :)

Chinese Wedding Drinks

We had the privilege to be able to attend a Chinese wedding reception when we were in China so I was able to see how they celebrate. I noticed that with other restaurants, they do not order anything but hot tea. Not even cold water. No wonder they have slim bodies and do not need nanocleanse for pimples or acne. They, however, served liquor during the wedding reception. My husband didnt like the taste of the wine though.

Spicy Squid & Asado

I need to upgrade my computer memory if I need to process about 2000 photos easily. The two pictures are just part of the tons of food we ate when we were in China. If I am not mistaken, these were from our dinner on the second day. These are spicy squid and the dish you call asado locally. Both are very very good!

Dining Options for Austin Real Estate Property Owners

Austin is one of the best places in the United States to live and work in. It is not surprising that many people are always on the lookout for Austin homes for sale that they could buy. According to Austin realtors, there are lots of other reasons why Austin is a good place to live and work in; one of which is the diverse dining options that are available. If you are planning a trip to the area soon to look at an Austin real estate property or just to travel, below are some restaurants you might want to check out.

* Fonda San Miguel. If you are looking for authentic Mexican food in Austin then this restaurant is the best place to get it. The 40-year-old restaurant offers a true Mexican experience from its wooden doors and hacienda-like structure to the delectable Tex-Mex dishes from all over Mexico.
* Stubb’s. This popular place offers live music venue and succulent barbecues. Get a choice from three meats: pork loin, pork ribs, or turkey, and enjoy their wide selection of side dishes.
* Uchi. Many people love Japanese food and Austin is not lacking in this type of cuisine. If you are craving for sushi or sashimi, the ones from Uchi are must-trys.
* Aquarelle. If you can spare more than the usual cash on a special date, Aquarelle should be at the top of your choices. You will not only get to enjoy delicious dishes, but you will also get to help local Austin farmers.

Eating Out & Indulging in Games

There was a time when my family would eat out every weekend, usually after hearing mass. This was when we had no house help and cooking just wasn’t one of my strong points. Since I hold the budget, I would always justify eating out once a week, reasoning out the kids need to go out, I need to go out, after being cooped up at home all week (Yes, we really do not go out). We don’t eat at fancy restaurants, we eat at the usual places kids love to eat – Jollibee, KFC, Pizza Hut – but since my family eats a lot, our bill always remains high. When my son discovered Japanese food, he would request we go to Teriyaki Boy, Tokyo Tokyo or Pepper Steak. Of course, after eating, if Starbucks is near the area (which it almost always is thanks to my great planning and foresight!), I would squeeze in my favorite caramel macchiato (iced if it’s hot, like these days).

As you can see, eating out can put a strain to one’s budget most especially if you do not have a big budget to begin with. Imagine spending 500-800 bucks on one meal every week, multiply that by four and you spend 2000-3200 bucks a month. For us, that would be enough to pay a monthly electric bill!

So when the new year rolled in, we decided to limit eating out to once a month. We also avoided any instances wherein we would be taking out food. For example, if we are going out for errands in the afternoon, we make sure there will be dinner once we arrive at night, so we don’t need to order food on the way home. It also helped a lot that we had house help so cooking became a regular thing for us. We do our best to entertain ourselves at home, that is why we had cable installed, bought a media player to store movies and TV series in and bought an XBOX Kinect 360. There is of course online games for the husband. He loves a good round of poker and it’s too bad I don’t even know how to play so he usually plays online and sometimes even plays in slot tournaments. I don’t really regulate him since he knows how to control himself.