Benefits of Single Serve Coffee Makers

Did you know that coffee can actually do a lot more than simply give you a boost in the morning?

There are quite a number of health benefits for drinking coffee everyday. If you can invest on a single cup coffee maker and drink a cup of coffee a day, you find that you will have the following health benefits:

1. Reduced Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
Two studies, one published in the European Journal of Neurology, have shown that individuals who drank about 2 cups of caffeinated coffee per day were less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than individuals who drank no coffee or a small to moderate amount.

2. Antioxidants and Cancer-Fighting Properties
Coffee is a powerful source of antioxidants – agents that combat cancer-causing free radicals. You can get antioxidants from both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee as long as the beans are sufficiently roasted.

Those are just some of the benefits! If you live alone or work in an office that has no pantry, a one cup coffee maker would be perfect for you! There are several brands of
single serve coffee makers in the market today. You can get the perfect one for you if you compare their features and prices before buying.

Energy Foods

I have proven that the best way to lose weight fast is to become sick! Now that would be unhealthy so I don’t mind taking it slow. What I find hard to do when I am dieting is that I lack the energy to exercise. When I exercise, I get so hungry I feel I can eat a whole horse!

So after doing some research I found out that there are energy boosters in some foods I might want to try:

Pulling energy from food is mainly about carbohydrates. You can always carbo-load for a quick energy burst, but consuming too many sugary carbs can lead to weight gain. You’re probably more interested in staying awake in the afternoon and feeling fresh after a hard day’s work.

The solution? Keep your carb levels on an even keel, which means avoiding those sugary spikes. Since your blood sugar drops four hours after eating, it means eating more frequent, smaller meals. It means concentrating on low-fat, high-fiber foods and complex carbs – these are broken down slowly and steadily, giving you regular energy throughout the day.

This combo will boost your physical and mental energy as high as possible, without sending extra sugary carbs through the fat-making factory.

Our 10 Favorite Energy Foods

1. Whole Wheat Pasta
2. Oatmeal
3. Fruit Smoothies made with low-fat yogurt
4. Peanut Butter
5. Dried Fruit (apricots, cranberries, kiwis, pears, pineapples, figs)
6. Yams
7. Lima Beans
8. Apples
9. Carrots
10. Chickpeas


* Eat breakfast! This is absolutely the #1 “eating for energy” strategy. It gets your metabolism off to a strong start and makes nighttime snacking a thing of the past. (Coffee is not breakfast.)
* Avoid grease and dairy (pizza, burgers, ice cream, cheese) and their simple and sugary carbs that can throw blood sugar levels out of whack.
* Focus on whole grains, which are good sources of vitamin B, aiding the metabolic production of energy.
* Don’t forget iron, an energy-boosting mineral.


I have discovered a new love aside from eggplant that will help me fill myself with protein without the fat – TOFU! Seriously, it is the best meat extender out there. Discovering how it tastes like real meat when cooked like it is like finding the best acne treatment without the pain!

I am sure to include this treasure in my weekly menu from now on. Here are some benefits of it:

Tofu – also known as Soya Bean Curd – has been called the perfect food. It is high in protein, low in saturated fats and a good source of calcium as well as vitamin E. It is also cholesterol free. Let’s find out more about “Ëœthe cheese of Asia.’

Steamed tofu is particularly good for vegetarians. It will give the non-meat eater a plentiful supply of calcium ( which is derived from the calcium sulphate), as well as phosphorous and iron. Tofu is, therefore, an excellent substitute for meat in many vegetarian recipes.

Christian Intimacy

Christian marriage sex life, in order for it to be satisfying and exciting, needs work. Couples should exert effort in trying to please their partner or spouse.

When one needs help in developing better Christian Intimacy with their spouses, can help. believes that sex between a husband and a wife is a gift from God, and is meant to be enjoyed in all of its wonder and passion. They also believe that according to the scriptures it is acceptable for a husband and wife to explore what ever options bring them pleasure as a married couple that do not cause harm, do not violate a scriptural command, and do not cause either spouse to be uncomfortable. That is why they offer Christian Sexual Aids to enrich a married couple’s sex life. They offer the lowest price on every item offered at their store and have free shipping on orders over $50.

Custom Polo Shirts: The Perfect Gift Idea

Almost everyone has been stuck at thinking of the perfect gift to give to someone. Whether it is for a birthday, an anniversary, a graduation, or any other occasion, buying a gift can be stressful for some people simply because they do not know what to give.

For times like these, it is important to have a default gift idea. This will be very useful if the recipient of your gift is someone that you do not know well. There are numerous choices for default gifts but embroidered polo shirts are among the best choices. There are polo shirts for men and women available so that you do not have to think of different gifts if the person is a guy or a girl. Also, to make your gift a bit more personal, you can have custom polo shirts made. This will add a touch of uniqueness to an otherwise generic gift.

Aside from all of these polo shirts are versatile and very comfortable to wear. You can be sure that whoever will be receiving your gift will be able to use it for as long as you get their correct size. So for the next event or occasion that you will be attending, get polo shirts as gifts.

How to increase website traffic through SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the many strategies that aim to make a particular website rank higher in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and increase website traffic. Although a lot of the SEO tactics require extensive technical knowledge and a great deal of resources, you can actually do some of them yourself. Here’s how.

Post high quality content regularly

Since search engine crawlers are drawn to recent posts and updates, you can use this to gain a foothold in the SERP. Post high quality content regularly. After all, the essence of organic search engine optimization is founded on generating traffic through whitehat methods. This particular service is known as content writing in ThinkBIG, a ‘search engine optimization company.

Choose keywords carefully

Searches begin with keywords. In order for search engine crawlers to find your site, your posts must contain the words used in the search. Research the keywords related to your site, and then use these words regularly in your site. This should direct the crawlers’ attention to you and increase website traffic.

Remove unnecessary elements in the page

If you know a few basic things about rearranging the elements in your site, you should consider keeping the home page clean and simple just like the new website of ThinkBIG. It makes the site less intimidating to browse and more inviting to look at.

High Fiber Meal

Because of my dietary restrictions, our eating out every now and them have considerably lessened. At least we can save much more and do not need to rely on an online cash advance to be able to meet our needs. It is just hard to choose meals when we were out. When I was in the city for my doctor consultation I had to eat out and here is what I ordered for myself:


Healthy Foods for Me

I am still trying hard to eat healthy, so far I haven’t had a sip of cola in a week (it’s been a week since my medical tests) and my rice intake has been lessened considerably. I am due for a weigh-in tomorrow and I am super excited! We just need to look for some ariens snowblower parts at the Handyman store and I will go for a weight-in!


Some of my usual dining fare: chopsuey and eggplant and tomatoes (half a cup of rice)