Casino-themed parties are becoming an increasingly popular idea for parties! If you have been given the task of organizing a casino party, then the following these casino party ideas will benefit you greatly. I am sure that these ideas will be a hit this holiday season!

Casino Party Ideas
A Casino Party For Fun
There are casino parties where there is no actual gambling involved. You can hand out play money to use for betting. Even though you are playing for fun and not money, you can still make things interesting and exciting for your guests by offering prizes at the end of the event to the winners. For a small casino party at home, this can be something as simple as a trophy, a medal or a certificate (or a gift). For a larger casino party like a corporate or a fundraising event, larger and multiple prizes are more appropriate. can also be used as an online game tool where small fun bets can be placed.
Hiring a Casino Dealer for a Party
You can also opt to hire a casino dealer for your casino party.
Casino Themed Parties usually include:
o Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Poker, Texas Hold’em – all your favorite casino party games!
o A professional, festive atmosphere
o Dealers for 3 hours – Choice of dealer themed dress.
o Raffle tickets or auction vouchers for end of the night prizes
o Delivery, set up and tear down of all equipment
More Fun Ideas
Choose the right food and drink. If you’re catering to an all-adult crowd, then the drinks should represent a “swinging,†feel good attitude. Martinis and Cosmopolitans both have that special Vegas-feel, and as for feeding your guests, be sure to choose finger foods that’s not too greasy and is easy to eat while playing the games on the floor.
A fun way for your guests to remember the evening is with a nice little token that everyone can take home with them. You can get customized poker chips, shot glasses, or t-shirts made just for the event.
If your crowd of friends love doing poker nights, you can spruce up your usual nights with these ideas! What kind of parties do you throw for your friends?