
Nowadays, muscled and toned bodies are not exclusive to celebrities, models, or fitness instructors. Any ordinary guy or gal can easily get the body that they want with the right nutrition and exercise. While a lot of attention is often given to diet supplements, fad diets, and diet pills, you can never get a toned body with just diet.

A fit and robust body is only possible if you are willing to allot time and effort into working out and training. Although a lot of people balk at the idea of enrolling in a gym or hiring a personal fitness trainer, the recent health trend has given everyone a shot at a leaner and healthier form. The increase in health awareness and consciousness in recent years has made a lot of exercise equipment easily available so that you can conveniently have them in your home. is a website that can help you achieve your dream body. They offer a wide range of gym and workout equipment like plyo boxes, medicine balls, kettlebells, bars and racks, row machines, ropes and rings, and many more. Among the site’s best products are their total packages that include various equipment to help you target different parts of your body. Since working out involves safety issues, it is important to have durable, high quality gym equipment that will not break while you are working out and instead, will last you for many years to come. The site also offers nutritional supplements that will help you get the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to lose the fat and develop the muscles.

The home page of the site, with its black ubiquitous theme, gives a strong, no nonsense impression. The tagline that can be found on the header helps set the mood for a driven and goal-oriented atmosphere, making you feel that with just the right attitude you too can work out to put your body in top form. As further proof of the site’s dedication towards helping visitor exercise better, each product description contains detailed instructions on different routines you can do with that particular product.

The contact number of the site is prominently displayed on the header so that you can easily give them a call regarding any concerns. On the other hand, contacting them may not be necessary because the site is very easy to navigate and provides adequate information about their products. If you are looking for something specific, the categories listed on the left sidebar will make it easy for you to quickly access a list of products that you are interested in. prove

With a site like, you can become your very own fitness trainer. This site shows that getting the body that you want starts with just a few clicks.

Hello No Rice Dinners!

I have been so far successful with having no rice during dinners. It was not as hard as I thought it would be, I just really need to drink more water all throughout the day. I am due for a weigh-in today and I hope I lost even at least a pound! The husband is also on the health and wellness track with practicing and shooting some hoops every morning. Now if he can resist the cigars sampler and quit smoking I would be very happy!


I should take up an active hobby, preferably one involved in sports.

This is what I realized during my first few weeks on being on a diet. The pounds won’t come off as fast as I would like them too. Somebody suggested I do some exercise at least 30 minutes a day, four times a week. The weight I lost doubled in the week I followed her suggestion. Since I get tired of anything monotonous like walking on the treadmill, I realized I should take up a sport.

And then I saw a video a cousin of mine posted on Facebook. She was surfing! And I knew then that I wanted to learn surfing. I messaged her for details and she replied that she wasn’t actually surfing but wakesurfing. Sounds new to your ears? Basically, she explained that wakesurfing as a cross between wakeboarding and surfing. The board resembles a surfboard you would use in the ocean but the waves you ride are produced by the boat. You do not have to go to beaches known for its waves. You just need a boat like what you need when wakeboarding, and do such actions until you are riding on top of the water, from the waves behind the boat, and you just drop the rope and ride with the waves. Now I want to be a wakesurfer! I can get a wakesufing beginner lesson from her and get my supplies from the Tahoe Marine Supply.

Would this be a sport I can last long into?
We will see.

Training for Your First Marathon

The secret to completing your first marathon is training. A successful marathon training has three factors: being extremely motivated, training properly and maintaining proper nutrition.

So how do you get started?
Before you sign up for a marathon, start training or even consult a doctor, know everything you need to know about marathons and training for it. More than anything else, you should know that marathons test your physical limits and endurance. It is above all things, a mind challenge. You should be able to control your mind over what your body says, and in the process push your body to what it can really do. Signing up for a marathon is like planning for a trip. You really need to prepare for it. If you want to be able to finish it, experts advise at least six months of training, especially if you are a novice runner.

Consult your doctor and ask for the go-signal to start training for the marathon. Your doctor might advise you on what you need to be cautious about. Once you have the go signal, you would need to invest in the proper running equipment. When running marathons, you need two things: clothes and running shoes. Buying running shoes can get complicated. First you would need to consider your foot type, foot strike and stride pattern. You can consult a podiatrist for this. Better yet, purchase your shoes from a store that specializes in running shoes. Most salespersons there are trained to identify your foot type, strike and pattern and can recommend the shoes you need. Take note that you will need at least two pairs of shoes for your training until your complete the marathon. Running shoes lose their ability to absorb shock after 350 miles.

Most running injuries happen because athletes do too much too soon. Start slow. Establish your fitness base first. You can minimize the stress (or focus) on your knees and legs by doing other sports, like swimming, after running. Be flexible with your training.

While training your should also maintain proper nutrition. It’s as simple as this – “The better you eat, the better you will perform”. Eat complex and good carbohydrates as these are stored in your muscles as glycogen which is responsible for keeping you up and energized. Its depletion is equivalent to fatigue.

Once you have clothes and shoes, you can now start training. Do not forget the importance of stretching and warm-up exercises. Stretching after you run is as important as stretching before you run. Before beginning a 16-week training program, start running regularly for at least 30 minutes without stopping. If that would be too much for you, try an 8-week program to condition yourself better. Most programs require you to run for four days a week. A typical program requires you to run for two consecutive days followed by a day of rest and then the schedule is repeated.

Staying motivated is the greatest challenge when training for a marathon. As I have said, marathons are primarily a mental game. Stay focused, be disciplined and preserve. Then watch yourself cross the finish line!

AbieL, a professional blogger for more than five years, is currently engaged in a new writing project for Business Opportunities Expo and You Love Coupons where she writes articles about norton 360 renewal code and coupon for godaddy.

Day 3 of the March Challenge

So far, I have done good – been exercising everyday, managing to move somehow everyday. I just need to learn and practice self-discipline when it comes to eating. I still slip up. It’s hard to resist carbs, that’s for sure. Soda has been so far eliminated since last month, and I am hoping weight loss will follow in three months.

I need to positive! I can do this!


It’s more like walking actually. My fitness trainer, aka the husband, finally started my fitness program. We did 45 minutes of cardio aka walking for me, running for him on the first day and had 6 rounds on the track we have near our place.

I am grateful that the husband is here to guide me and in a way, take care of me. I hope we can keep this up. 30 days of consistent running would already be a big help to me! I am so out of shape!

March Regimen

So after “warming up” last February, I (think) am ready to dive-in full blast with a strict diet.

I just did my groceries and here were my food items:
1. Yogurt
2. Bananas
3. Non fat high calcium milk
4. Melon
5. Cereals

I hope I can do this! Wish me luck! Moreso, please pray for me!

Losing Weight With Table Tennis

It seems that weight loss is foremost in many people’s minds nowadays. A lot of people I know are either trying to lose weight or at least trying not to gain any. Some of my friends have already taken up different sports and one of them is considering ping pong. According to him, table tennis is a great way to lose weight. By playing only 15 minutes of table tennis, you could burn around 105 calories already. If you continue regularly playing this sport for twelve months, the calories that you burn will be equivalent to around 11 pounds of body fat. It makes me want to have my own table tennis table too.

Just like most sports, table tennis does not only help you lose weight, you also get a lot of extra health benefits like improved circulation, strengthening of leg and arm muscles, and increased energy levels. Keeping up with a sport will also increase your metabolism so that the long term effect of weight loss is more permanent; you do not have to worry too much about gaining the weight back. I hope my friend will be successful at his weight loss goal. Maybe if table tennis works for him I just might take it up too.