The Mess of TransUnion

Have you ever heard of the TransUnion Lawsuit? TransUnion, a credit reporting company, illegally sold confidential credit information to target marketing companies in the United States between the years 1987 and 2000. Disclosure of such personal information is a direct violation of the Federal Credit Reporting Act. So many consumers were affected by this that law firms like the O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath attorneys had their hands full for quite some time.


Remember disclosing private information an illegal act. If you applied for credit in the United States between 1987 and 2000 it is likely you have a claim against TransUnion. You can contact the office of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath for a free consultation.

Coffee Bean and Tree Leaf – Cakes

After we got our fill of Greek food, we went to have coffee and what else but cakes. We were supposed to go to Starbucks but as expected, every branch was full. We were going at an inopportune time, after lunch, where everybody has already eaten and like us, wanting to have coffee. We trooped to Coffee Bean instead.


And I got to sample these cakes.


Travel in Style: Los Angeles Party Bus

Now you can travel in style and party at the same time – just rent a Los Angeles party bus from Party Bus LA! If you are looking for style and luxury when you travel, then the party bus will allow you to get both, at the most affordable cost. An LA Party bus would seat more people than a limousine (a preferred way to travel in style by groups especially in proms or weddings) and would ultimately be more comfortable. While in transit, a los angeles party bus rental can accommodate your ongoing festivities too!

The Party Bus LA limo rental prides itself as the no.1 transportation service in Los Angeles, offering the class, reliability and comfort you deserve at an affordable rate. Party Bus LA is the best place to find a deal for all of your events from weddings to birthdays to bachelor/bachelorette parties, down the line to corporate events. Their chauffeurs are always professional and courteous, eager to navigate you to your destination in a timely, safe and comfortable manner.

This is certainly one of the most innovative and resourceful of ways to ensure that all of you arrive and leave the party at the same time. Go on and maximize the fun that you can have. In fact, when you actually reach the party venue, you will be in the party mood.

Salad Master

Salad Master

Since when did kitchen equipment rival the price of high-end cars? I was surprised how much a complete cooking equipment could cost. But the investment would be for life, as the salesperson claims. Actually, a friend really vouched for the quality of their stuff so I inquired. Maybe when I get my own house and have my own kitchen. In the meantime, I would just save and invest my money, maybe finally buy gold bullion as recommended, so that I can afford to get one someday. Friends tell me I can buy gold in investing through the United States Gold Bureau. It is home to a large and dedicated staff of hard asset professionals committed to serving your precious metals investment needs and being America’s best dealer with a convenient market and competitive precious metals prices.

Cyma – Main Dishes

Going out with a group of people has an advantage. You get to be able to sample everything because each one orders differently. I was able to taste chicken, fish, beef and pork all in one sitting. Unfortunately I have forgotten their names but all of them were really good. Loved the stuff peppers, blue marlin and the kebab the most.

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I got to meet friends over good food and great (loud) conversation last week and it was fun. Actually, it was fun, filling and tiring. Managing a group of twelve ladies with big mouths (talkative bunch) was hard – we sure made a couple of heads turn whenever we would laugh.

The appetizer we had, a favorite:




(Surprisingly loved this!)

Gold and His Food Stall

I was surprised to find out that a good friend of mine recently invested on a food stall in one of the leading supermarkets in the city. It has been in his plans for so long and I was pleasantly surprised that he was able to do it finally. I asked him how he was able to save up for it given the economy that we have and he answered that he invested in gold coins. I was about to brush him off and ask him if he was joking when he told me it was true, and that I should be buying from the US Bureau already. Gold is a good investment because demand for it is high and even from years back it has never depreciated.