Common Pregnancy Advice and Myths

A woman’s protruding pregnant tummy is such a magnet for hands and well-meaning advices. Unfortunately, while the uninvited tummy touch may be irritating, the pregnancy advice may well be nothing but false information and myths. Despite the copious amounts of pregnancy information that one can freely get from pregnancy and womens health websites on the internet, a lot of pregnancy myths are still being persistently passed around. To help you in spotting them, we have listed a few of them below.

· The way you look and the way your tummy looks are good indications of your baby’s gender. This is absolutely bogus. There is no other way you can determine your baby’s gender except through its organs which can be seen through ultrasound, or through your baby’s DNA which can be acquired through amniocentesis.

· Your favorite food during pregnancy will contribute to your baby’s looks and personality. What you should be concerned with during pregnancy is the nutritional value of the foods that you are eating and not by how your food looks.

· Holding your hands above your head will wrap your baby’s umbilical cord around its neck. The movement of your arms has absolutely nothing to do with your baby’s umbilical cord. So if you are doing some light stretching exercises, feel free to raise to arms and stretch those muscles.

· Having sex during pregnancy harms your baby. Feel free to ask your doctor but unless you have any delicate pregnancy condition, it should be perfectly alright for you to have sex.

When I was pregnant with my kids, a lot of people would often want to touch my belly with the tone of an amazed person wondering how I would ever get the baby out because it is too big. Sometimes it can be a bit offensive already but I have learned to live with it.


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