Losing the Belly Fat


I am a big woman and admittedly, obese. I am tall for my size so I can somehow my built to an extent, if only my huge pot belly isn’t sticking it out. I get mistaken for a pregnant woman all the time! People advise me that the only way to lose the belly is to steer clear from sugar and carbs (refined ones) so I don’t get bloated that much.

Here is what Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer and Nicole Nichols, Certified Fitness Instructor has to say:

There is no way to target weight loss to a specific area of the body because your body decides where it wants to put on weight and where it wants to take it off. The midsection is a common "problem" area for many people.

The best way to lose fat is through cardiovascular exercise. It is important to do a variety of abdominal exercises (including crunches) to keep your core strong, but until that excess fat is gone, you will not see the muscle definition. So if you’re not doing cardio, crunches are not going to help get the six-pack you’ve been hoping for. Regular cardio exercise at a level that’s challenging for you is your best bet.


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