What You Need to Know About Priligy

What is PE?
Premature ejaculation, or PE, is a real problem for many men. In fact, up to 30% of men have experienced it at one point or another. There is no set amount of time that qualifies a man for having PE, but as a general rule, a man is considered to suffer from PE when his inability to control ejaculation interferes with his or his partner’s sexual pleasure. Typically, a doctor will treat PE if a man consistently ejaculates in under two minutes. PE can also cause men to suffer emotionally as well, leaving them feeling embarrassed or helpless.

What Causes PE?
There are many potential causes of PE. Some of them are psychological in nature, like lack of sexual confidence or even very strong arousal. Other causes are physical, such as decreased levels of serotonin or even genetics, in some cases.

How is PE Treated?
There are many different successful treatments for PE. Discussing the condition with a doctor will help him to identify root causes, so a successful treatment can be prescribed. Sometimes, doctors will simply recommend exercises that can help men control their ejaculation.

Treating PE With Priligy
Pills are also another common way to treat PE. SSRIs, or antidepressants, are commonly prescribed because they help regulate serotonin in the brain. A popular treatment for PE that has recently been approved for sale in the UK is Priligy. Priligy also works to increase serotonin and is reported to make men last almost three times longer than normal.

Priligy Side Effects
There are some side effects associated with using Priligy. The most common side effects include headaches, dizziness and nausea. Side effects that are more serious include fainting, mood changes and suicidal thoughts. If these occur, Priligy should not be taken again until discussing it with your doctor.


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