Women spend millions of dollars on beauty products each year. As children are born, budgets get tight and beauty products are often one of the things that gets put aside. A little known fact is most products are made from readily available plant extracts or common ingredients that can be bought at a local drugstore. Here are some ideas to keep you beautiful. Who knows, while developing your own routine you may develop a unique product that you can sell to other women.

Image by dboyone, courtesy of Flickr
Water Treatments
Skin looks its best when it is well hydrated. One needs moisturizer on the outside to keep the day’s harsh environment or chemicals from aging skin. One needs liquid on the inside to hydrate the little cells in the body to make them plump and juicy.
- For the inside cells drink liquid every time you are thirsty. This is different for every person. Drinking water throughout the day in reasonable quantities keeps the skin plump and happy.
- Like Queen Ester from biblical days of old; take a milk bath—really. Milk, because of the calcium, nourishes the skin from the inside and the outside. To make it easy use about 250 grams of powdered milk in a warm bath and if you like add a few drops of your favorite scented oil. Sit back and relax and let the worries of the day wash away. Maybe like Ester you’ll catch the eye of a king.
Moisturizer Cheaply
Avocados are a beautiful, green and luscious fruit made up of mostly monounsaturated plant oils. Mash and smash an avocado thoroughly and add a splash of lemon and you have a deep moisturizer. Spread it on the face and leave it on for several minutes.
If wearing avocado on the face is not your cup of tea, try using the gel from an aloe vera plant. These plants are found in most local stores. The large succulent leaves contain a thick clear gel that is used for healing burns and it has been used as a moisturizer for dry skin for centuries. Pick a leaf, squeeze out the gel and smooth it on your face.
It pays to call around the local markets to get the best price. If yo need a cellphone, try using the Presta service. It offers a lease/purchase contract of tech devices that you can rent.

Image by Island Vittles, courtesy of Flickr
Anti Aging Remedies from Your Kitchen
The herbs one uses for holiday ham and turkey make excellent astringents for the face. An astringent is a substance that shrinks the pores and cleans the skin. Take a leaf of basil or oregano alive or dried. Use about a tablespoon of the leaf and steep in a cup of boiling water. Once cooled use a cotton ball to spread on the face. Enjoy the smell and tingling sensation.
There you have it; beauty products built from scratch at a price anyone can afford. Start your routine today and enjoy the looks of admiration.