How To Care for Pomegranate Trees

My friend wants to grow a fruit tree in her backyard and she has been doing her research on which types would grow best in our climate. Since we live in a tropical country that only has two seasons – summer (hot and humid) and rainy, she has decided to grow Pomegranate trees. Fig trees are also as flexible but pomegranate trees bear fruit that everyone in her family loves. They have bought the seedling trees and will be planting soon.

If you are interested in growing them, here are some points you need to remember:

Pomegranate trees are best suited in areas offering hot summers.

They are best suited to tropical areas and need to be planted in a location that gives them direct sunlight. They need an entire day of sun exposure to more likely produce edible fruit. Trees grown in shade still bear fruits, but they tend to be smaller and taste bitter.

What is great about pomegranate trees is that they can grow in any type of soil as long as they have good drainage. Deep loam is the soil of preference though.

They can live in semi-dry conditions. You need to soak it with water every two to four weeks during dry season.


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