How often do you use your credit card? Do you limit yourself buying offline or do you also buy online? If you have not used your credit card for paying for something you bought online, what is stopping you? Are you afraid you will experience credit card theft as a victim? Do you think you might get everything wrong that you might lose your credit card? Did you actually know that you can use your credit card online?
It used to be that credit cards were limited for the offline use but technology has granted us the accessibility to buy over the internet casting out the fear of theft, generally. The safety of online payment processing has been strengthened now, more than ever. Basically, you choose a store which offers payment through credit cards. That means that, that particular company has gotten the services for a credit card processor which goes through one of those credit card processing companies to be able to handle credit card processing by validating the card as good or bad.
The store itself does not know the information of your credit card so you cannot say that these companies collect them and may later just randomly enter any item and charge the amount to you. Not even the processor stores or keeps the account details of your card. That gives you extra safety for your cards, don’t you think?