Planning a Family

Planning a family, or when babies will come into a marriage, is an important matter. While getting married is a serious decision that needs a lot of thinking and soul-searching, with a lot of self-maturity, planning a family involves two individuals taking more responsibility by bringing children into this world. That is why many couple forego having kids until they can really say they are ready and willing to sacrifice everything for their kids. Mothers are usually left with the big decision to leave their careers and stay at home to take care of the baby, as baby sitters and day care cost a lot.

Families today have so many personal differences and intricacies that they are complicated as a custom house plan. And it should be noted that no two families are the same, no matter how strong their similarities are.  There are so many things to take into account when deciding if you want a family and how large of a family you can support. The cost of a child is amazingly high during this time in history. It is quite ironic that there are couples who badly want and are capable of having kids but cannot have one. Couple go to fertility doctors, husbands try levitra, they risk and invest in intrauterine pregnancies but are unlucky. Yet there are couples, as young as teenagers still in high school, having babies left and right, and they consider abortion. It breaks my heart to hear stories like that. While I believe that family planning should be pro-choice, I feel strongly against taking one’s life. One should accept the consequences of one’s actions, and even if there would be complications, I am sure there is still more options than to terminate a life that is innocent in the first place. Adoption is one thing.


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