Indoor Fountains.

For many places especially in business establishments like restaurants, background noise can range from a mild distraction to a frustrating inconvenience. This holds true for busy eating establishments where standard operational sounds can distract or annoy clients as well as lobbies of construction companies and other industrial type businesses. A simple waterfall fountain  can be enough to help block these noises, creating a calming white noise that will soothe and detract from sudden, loud sounds.

A current trend in interior decorating  is to use a indoor water fountain to bring the natural outdoor sounds of running water into the establishment.They create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. A particular feature of many modern interior designers is to install the indoor wall fountains on or against the wall with a catch basin, as opposed to having the fountain stand alone. The wall fountain creates a charming waterfall effect. The basin contains a pump which circulates the water back to the top for a continual water cascade, making it a very economical way to save on water.

The idea behind using a fountain in this manner is to create a constant sound that will attract the attention of your ears and will keep you from noticing or being startled by the noise, either from other clients in the restaurant or in the kitchen, if you are situated near it. These fountains produce a constant source of white noise, which is exceptionally relaxing and can help people not only to sleep, but to concentrate or working or reading and even enjoying their meal while talking .


An indoor fountain can be great distraction for children and can truly offer many health benefits as much as an outdoor fountain. From the simple relaxation to the improved air quality that arises from a fountain’s natural humidifying property!


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